Breaking up is hard to do, even when it comes to your favorite pair of running shoes. A good pair may fit like a glove, but they all eventually wear down and stop providing the support and cushion they once did, fresh out of the box.
Signs of wear are not limited to glue separating, frayed stitching, and holes as many times there is wear in places that are not immediately obvious. The midsole, or layer between the inner and outer soles of the shoe, will compress over time and fail to provide support and bounce. This may show no outer signs of wear and therefore, the the general consensus is to replace running shoes every 300-500 miles, every 45-60 hours, or every 3-6 months, whichever comes first. This wide variation depends on the running surfaces and frequency of the runner. Occasional runners, may only need to replace shoes every 500 miles or 6 months, where as avid, high mileage runners should aim to replace shoes every 300 miles or 45 hours.
Replacing shoes can be expensive, but failing to properly replace running shoes can predispose you to blisters, stress injuries, fractures, and sprains. Telling my patients to stop running due to injury is hard, but oftentimes avoidable, by having a simple conversation about new running shoes.